AP does not use the words “yesterday,” “today” or “tomorrow” or related words or phrases. Instead, it follows this rule: If the reference is to an event within one week before or after the day of publication, use the day of the week: Monday, Tuesday. If the reference is to an even further in the
AP has many overlapping rules concerning when to use digits vs. spelling out numbers. In general, use digits for numbers 10 and higher; spell out below 10. Exceptions include ages (always use digits) and percentages (always use digits and the percent sign: 4%). Textbook: 17:5 & following
People are referred to using the relative pronouns “who” or “whom”: the students who left. Institutions, objects and other nonhuman things use the relative pronouns “that” and “which”: the company that owns the building. Textbook: 16:2.C
Companies, unions, schools and other institutions are considered singular; they take singular pronouns and verbs: Kent State is reopening its admissions process. Textbook: 16:2.D01