Management Archive
22 Aug 2013
What digital tools and skills does a newsroom leader need?

As I mentioned yesterday, Steve Buttry sent out a call for journalists to tell him why they should be hired as Digital First editors. I’m not raising my hand, but the questions he asked were interesting. What digital skills and tools do you excel with? Which ones are you learning? (If the answers to both
21 Aug 2013
Why today’s newsrooms need ‘digital people,’ and how to identify them

Steve Buttry, digital transformation editor for Digital First Media, challenged journalists recently to tell him why they should be hired as newsroom leaders. Been there, done that, ready for a different set of frustrations. But some of the questions he raised are worth answering, anyway. Our CEO, John Paton, says we need to “put the
31 Jul 2013
Is there any such thing as a humane layoff?
Today, a lot of people I worked with are being told they’re unemployed. While many of us volunteered for The Plain Dealer’s layoffs, the cuts will go deeper. The company sent out an email yesterday afternoon telling everyone in the newsroom — managers included — to wait by their phones this morning to find out